References - Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Breast Cancer
Isaac Cohen, LAc, OMD, Mary Tagliaferri, MD, LAc & Debu Tripathy, MD(Part 1) References
(Part 2) References
(Part 3) References
About the Authors
(Part 1) References
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(Part 3) References
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Supported in part by NIH/NCI P50CA 58207
About the Authors
Back to the Table of ContentsIsaac Cohen, L.Ac.,O.M.D.(American Acupuncture Center, Berkeley, CA) is one of the founders of the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Program at the University of California at San Francisco ’s (UCSF) Carol Frank Buck Breast are Center. His private practice specialises in the treatment of breast cancer with the integration of Western and Chinese medicine. Isaac has spearheaded many clinical and laboratory studies to assess the biological activity and efficacy of Chinese herbs in the treatment of cancer.
Mary Tagliaferri , M.D.,L.Ac., (University of California at San Francisco)is one of the founders of the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Program at the University of California at San Francisco ’s (UCSF) Carol Frank Buck Breast are Center. She opened the first traditional Chinese medicine clinic at UCSF. She is a co-Investigator on numerous clinical trials and laboratory studies to assess the effect of Chinese medicine in breast cancer. Mary is a breast cancer survivor.
Debu Tripathy , M.D. Professor of Medicine and Director, Breast Cancer Research Program University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas He has been a principal investigator on numerous clinical trials assessing chemotherapeutic agents and biological oncogene-targeting treatments. Debu is one of the founders of the CAM research program at UCSF and is the principal investigator on number of trials to assess the effects of herbs for breast cancer.
Breast Cancer: Beyond Convention--
The World's Foremost Authorities on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Offer Advice on Healing