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August 2, 2004

Oils for the Face
Jennifer Tanner, Esthetician

We hold a lot of tension in the face. When performing facials I am always surprised at the amount of people who say they never get their face touched. It is something you should do yourself regularly to tone muscles, increase circulation, release tension and soften blackheads and other congestion in the skin. Even oily skin types can benefit from the use of facial oils. Oil breaks down oil so it will help balance sebum production and lubricate the skin.

Choice of Oils:
Hazelnut- good for oily, normal to oily skin
Neem- antifungal, great for seborrhea, severely congested skin, hair and scalp
Sweet Almond- fairly light, good for all skin types
Apricot Kernel- fairly light, good for all skin types
Jojoba: Great for dehydrated or mature skin or for taking off makeup. Very close to skin's natural sebum but may be too rich for combination skin types.
Kukui Nut Oil: Great for dehydrated or mature skin or for taking off makeup. Very close to skin's natural sebum but may be too rich for combination skin types.

Choice of Essential and Other Oils:
There are not too many essential oils that are suitable for the face. Be very careful to use high quality oils. Sometimes you can react to poor quality oils due to the solvents used to extract the oils from the plants and not the plannt oils themselves. Use sparingly- one to three drops maximum, no more than three essential oils at a time.
Carrot Seed- Excellent for mature skin types, very repairing.
Rosa Rubiginosa- Helps slow down the aging process. If used, do not use other essential oils since this one has ylang ylang and geranium added already.
Rosa Mosqueta- Rose hip seed oil. High in Vitamin C, good for cell turnover, aging, etc.
White Camellia- Good for sensitive skin, very soothing. Called the longevity flower
Lavender-Antibacterial, soothing. Good for breakouts and to calm the skin. Neroli- Orange blossom oil. Healing and rejuvenating.
Chamomile- Soothing, healing, good for sensitive skin. Great with sandalwood for a relaxing massage before bedtime.
Sandalwood- Soothing, healing, good for sensitive skin
Tea Tree- Antibacterial, great for oily and problem skin. Good for use with lavender. Use sparingly.
Geranium- Mood balancing, relaxing, good for hormonal issues.
Ylang-Ylang- Sensual and calming oil
Rose- Natural humectant, moisturizing, great for dry or mature skin. Boosts self-esteem.

Do NOT use any mints or citrus oils (besides neroli) on the face. Can cause irritation. If anything doesn't feel right, discontinue use. Do a test patch below the jawline first to make sure it's ok for your skin. These oils are best stored in a glass bottle (essential oils eat plastic and it will leech into the oils, contaminating them.) out of direct sunlight and excessive moisture.hemselves. Use sparingly- one to three drops maximum, no more than three essential oils at a time.
Jennifer Tanner - Esthetician

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