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CancerLynx - we prowl the net
July 31, 2000

A Bunch Of This Or That=A Bunch Of Wellness
Suse Wunderlich

An Arabic proverb says that,
If two loaves of bread are all you have left, you should sell one and buy hyacinths to feed your soul...

We were sitting in our support group meeting. I mentioned I had been involved in floral design in SF for several years. It always amazed me what energy the 70 year-old woman I worked with, got from dreaming up a different design combination of flowers for her customers every day.

This kind of creation doesn't require a degree in fine arts...I find that when I need a lift, a walk through the flower market or a garden center is the antidote as is sticking a few posies in a favorite container or redoing a planter. I use a variety of objects (teapots, little wooden or pewter boxes, pitchers) for containers and I'm always looking on the roadside for tree trimmings to use as greens in my arrangements. I line my boxes with plastic, pour a little charcoal on the bottom, stick in a little ivy, a small fern and maybe a primrose, cover them with dirt then some moss and shazam! I have a new arrangement that lasts for a while.

The other day I was entertaining several women for lunch and just didn't have the time to go to the flower market. The bunches of flowers at the grocery store weren't too perky, so I breezed through the vegetable section grabbing a bunch of kale, beet greens, some parsley, green onions, some peppers and other herbs. When I got to my kitchen, I stuck a combination of these leafy greens in several vases and just placed the peppers in a basket on the table...everyone enjoyed the change from my usual flower arrangements. I could use everything later in soups and salads!

Sometimes when I'm going to be out a lot, I fill a basket or a glass vase with lemons and simple and calming to look at. Fooling around with plant materials is my massage or meditation session bringing me pleasure and renewed energy in the creation process. I thank my support group for making me aware of this!
Susie Wunderlich

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