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CancerLynx - we prowl t
he net
October 14, 2002

Someone Missing
Sandi Spivey

There's someone missing here today,
Who climbed the steps and held the rose,
In a sea of pink, racing toward an elusive cure.

There's someone missing here today,
Whose name or face we fondly wear,
With smiles preserved in photographs.

There's someone missing here today,
Whose ears choked down the thorny words,
Once thought reserved for those unknown.

We're missing someone here today,
Like each of us, with hopes and dreams,
Who left a lasting imprint on our soul.

There's someone in our hearts today,
Who watched us cling to clouds of hope,
As victory's shadow sifted through our grasp.

There's someone we will not forget,
Whose courage made us catch our breath,
As we began to understand the nature of the fight.

There's someone missing here today,
We keenly clutched as time progressed,
Whose eyes persuaded us to let go and accept.

We helped, we hoped, we prayed,
But our deeds did not undo the plan,
And in the end, our greatest gifts were simply love and kindness

We safeguard our memories, we suffer the void.
As we walk the healing path, we must not forget.
In loving tribute, we push on.

May our thoughts and prayers take wing and soar,
Let us now rejoice that we have known and loved
The someone missing here today.

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