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CancerLynx - we prowl the net
July 14, 2013

Rose Marigold Salve
Alexandra Andrews

Rose Marigold Salve
1/2 ounce of dried organic red rose petals
1/2 ounce dried calendula
4 ounces of lard, butter (cow, goat) or oil
The proportions are 1 part herb to 4 parts lard/butter/oil (Some prefer salted butter to unsalted your choice)
Grind the herbs as fine as possible
Add to the lard/butter/oil
Melt together in a glass jar placed inside a water bath or crock pot at 130-150 degrees. Let infuse with the lid on for at least forty -five minutes, or until the plant matter begins to lose its color - usually about 2-3 hours. Cool and filter the herbs out of the salve

If you intend to eat this butter following the maxim: If it is safe enough to eat, it is safe enough to put on your skin. Divide the salve into smaller amounts and freeze the unused portions. If not to be eaten, Gum Benzoin tincture is a good preservative. Add at least 1/2 teaspoon (32 drops) per pint of oil.

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